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More than 120 million people have been forced to flee war, conflicts and persecution around the world.

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We’ll keep you up to date on emergencies and campaigns and you’ll be among the first to hear when we need support from our community. We’ll also share stories from the field with you, so you can follow UNHCR activities and explore the work we do around the globe.  

About Us

Today, over 1% of the world population has been forcibly uprooted. UNHCR protects refugees, internally displaced people, and stateless communities, meets their basic needs, and guarantees the respect of their human rights, wherever they are in the world. 

With a presence in over 135 countries, UNHCR has more than 18,000 people among its staff. 91% of them are working in the field to bring immediate relief to the people fleeing conflicts and persecution. Beyond emergency relief, UNHCR also works to provide refugees with sustainable solutions for a better future. 

The Swiss Foundation for UNHCR, Switzerland for UNHCR, is the UN Refugee Agency’s national partner for Switzerland. We support UNHCR's mission by mobilizing essential resources and raising awareness on behalf of those who are forced to flee.   

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